Monday Morning Musings

A couple of weeks ago I was standing at the sink, as I do every morning, finishing up the last of our breakfast dishes. This simple chore always offers that little bit of ‘extra’ quiet time that I look forward to, to think and plan the day ahead.

The sun was just starting to come through the blinds on the kitchen window, so I leaned over the sink to open them. Just as I did, something strange caught my eye.

There, sitting on the grass by our deck were EIGHT mourning doves.

Now of course, at our old house this sight wouldn’t have been strange at all. Every year we had a family of four mourning doves that nested in a tree in our back yard. Often times other doves would join them at the bird feeders so seeing eight or more was not abnormal.

But I hadn’t seen any mourning doves since we’d moved to our new rental home. In fact, I hadn’t seen much wildlife at all, except the odd squirrel here and there.

And until that moment I guess I hadn’t realized just how much I missed seeing all those beautiful creatures roam around in our backyard.

Especially the doves. They have always been a favorite.

I love their soft coo and the fact that they mate for life touches the romantic in me.

But it’s their family bond and their connection to home that warms my heart even more.

I found it so comforting years ago to learn that once the doves had raised a family in a nest, they returned to that same nest year after year. Even those who migrated (few do anymore) would still return to the same nest the following year.

Home was important to them, and because of that, they would rarely fly more than a few miles from home to feed.

Knowing this,  made me SO happy because that meant these doves in my yard must live close by. They were here to feed on something they liked and would most likely return often.

Little did I know the doves wouldn’t be the only thing ‘returning’.

Later that week, Michael and I were standing outside talking to one of our neighbors when suddenly I saw two tiny little bunny rabbits race across our yard and disappear under the large tree in our other neighbor’s back yard.

When I mentioned to our neighbor that this was the first time I’d seen any wildlife, except for the doves, she laughed.

“Oh you will,” she said. “I think they were scared away by all the construction going on around your house.  But that old tree in the back houses plenty of families and they’ll be back.”

That ‘old’ tree our neighbor referred to wasn’t exactly just “a” tree. It was actually several trees that had grown into one big mass of branches and brush. And the base of the tree was all covered in weeds, wild berries, and brush.

Truth be told, the tree was kind of an eyesore.

But it didn’t appear to be an eyesore to the bunnies.

It was home. As we soon found out later that evening when the babies returned, along with their mom and dad for a dirt bath and a little playtime before they all disappeared into the brush beneath that tree.

In the days to follow our neighbor’s prediction began to come true.

First, it was the squirrels. More and more arrived, and I would see them jumping from the branches every morning when I opened the blinds.

And then a few days later, I woke up to a strange sound outside. As I lay in bed I realized the sound was coming from that big old tree which is on the same side of the house as our bedroom.

I could hardly believe my ears but the sound was a distinct “hoot” from an owl! Which although not rare in our area, was AMAZING to me since I hadn’t heard one since I was a child living on the farm!

Over the next couple of weeks, more and more bird families settled between the branches of that big old tree. Robins, Cardinals, House Wrens, were just a few of that  I caught sight of. I also got a peek at a chipmunk before he scooted under the brush below the tree.

Although I was sad the owl didn’t stay very long I think the bunnies and chipmunk, and even the squirrels were probably happy to see it go.

It did make my heart full though to see all the wildlife finding homes again in that gnarled old tree.

But I won’t deny I was a wee bit disappointed that the mourning doves hadn’t returned to our yard again.

and that’s when I remembered what a dear friend had told me years ago about the meaning of a mourning doves visit.

She’d said that in some cultures, doves are sent by God and are a sign of opportunity, hope, and growth.

Which made me wonder then. If those eight doves didn’t come to our backyard because it was home, why did they come?

Sure. It could have just been because they found our grass a treat.

But I’d like to think it was a sign to all the birds, bunnies, squirrels, and whatever else lives in that old tree. A sign that said, “It’s safe. You can come home now.”

I’d also like to think their visit was meant to give me closure to start anew.

Up until that morning, I hadn’t allowed myself to admit just how much I missed our old home.

Yes, that home was a LOT of work. And yes, it was time to let it go to another family who could handle all the maintenance a 110 year home required.

But for sixteen years it had been home, and I had cherished every moment inside that big old house. And yet, I’d never given myself the grace to mourn the loss I felt after selling it.

So as silly as it sounds and I’m sure it looked that way to my neighbors, I decided this past week to go sit by that old tree.

It just seemed like that old tree was wise beyond its years and maybe, just maybe I could find what those little creatures found in the safety of its branches.

I don’t know how long I sat by the tree, but I do know that I hadn’t felt the kind of peace I did that afternoon, in a very long time. I wasn’t even aware of my surroundings. Just the soft whisper of the wind through the branches and the odd squeak of the squirrels as they chased each other from treetop to treetop.

That tree, the one I’d thought was nothing more than an eyesore had given me something I didn’t even know I needed.

A place to call home.

For now. But that’s okay. Because now is all I need to worry about.

Tomorrow is another day.

Today, I’m just going to be thankful for those simple signs in life that can change everything.

Happy Monday!





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Monday Morning Musings



2 thoughts on “Monday Morning Musings”

  1. Love this post so much, Christine! It’s such a blessing to have all the wildlife return to the tree around your home but to also allow yourself to grieve the old home so you can make room in your heart for the new one. So excited for all the good things coming your way sweet friend, CoCo

  2. Thank you so much, my sweet friend. It really was a blessing and so fun to watch them up close. And yes, you are absolutely spot on! It really did allow me to make room in my heart for our new home. Hugs, and many blessings for the week!

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