Monday Morning Musings!
Good morning, sweet friends!
So this morning I want to chat about a subject that’s a bit…sensitive, but has become extremely important to me.
Raise your hand if you’ve been through, are currently going through, or even know someone who is going through perimenopause.
Since you can’t see me I’ll just tell you I’m not just raising one hand I’m raising them both. And I’m waiving them too!
For those who have not yet experienced this stage of your life yet, my sincere apologies but.
Today’s post is not meant to scare you or cause anxiety about what’s to come.
Instead, I thought a bit of honesty, experience, and yes, humor might help others who are going or will go through this stage of a woman’s life.
First and foremost…
That’s my opinion.
Of course, PMS sucks too. It has ever since I first got my period back in the sixth grade! It was the WORST!

I mean the WORST! Severe cramps, bloating, headaches, diarrhea one minute, and constipation the next. Oh, and did I mention moodiness? Yes, You name it I had it. EVERY SINGLE MONTH!
It seriously got so bad that after I decided I wasn’t going to have any more children, I just wanted it to be over. DONE. NO MORE PERIODS!
So when my Dr. told me I was at the beginning stage of perimenopause I stood up and cheered, and ran around the room doing the happy dance.
The time had finally come. I would no longer have to endure what my mother use to term the ‘curse!’
Then my Dr. told me what possible symptoms I might have.
SERIOUSLY??!!! How was that possible? After years and years of suffering through terrible periods now I would have to endure all of these OTHER issues too!!
How totally unfair.
I left the Dr’s office that day feeling totally frustrated and defeated.
Until the next day when I talked to my mom. She told me that sure, she’d heard other women complain of such symptoms, but her ‘change of life had been quite easy. Nothing more than a few hot flashes and a bit of moodiness. The same had been true for her mother, and her mother’s mother. So why wouldn’t it be for me? After all, genetics is everything, right?
I wanted to believe my mother was right. Especially since I had just recently gotten married to a wonderful man.
A man who by all counts was aging faster than me, but who, unlike me, didn’t have a long list of possible health issues to suffer through.
In fact here is what the average man’s list of aging health issues looks like.

That’s right. While I was concerned about having to deal with all these unbelievably horrifying and life-altering symptoms of this so-called ‘change of life’ (what an understatement that is) my hubby’s only worry was that his legs didn’t look as muscular as they had five years ago. Oh yes, and that his hair was a bit thinner and had more grey. But then that made him look more distinguished, right?
Yes, honey. Of course, it does.

THIS was what I had to look forward to in my “golden” years!
And then what I dreaded became a reality. Because my perimenopause turned out to be NOTHING like my mother’s. Or her mother’s or her mother’s before her.
In fact, since that visit to the Dr’s office ten years ago, I have experienced at least 30 out of the 40 symptoms on that list. Truth? I’ve even experienced a couple NOT on the list.
And don’t get me started on all the ‘advice’ I’ve been given over the years to help ‘ease’ the symptoms.
Exercise, Lose weight. Cut back on carbs. Don’t eat sugar. Or dairy. Or meat. Do yoga. Meditate. Go on the Keto diet. No, the Mediterranean diet. Take supplements. Take hormones.
Don’t get me wrong. Some of them HAVE helped relieve some of the symptoms. But not all.
The good news? There are things that can help and they don’t have to change your life even more than it already has changed.
Here are some that I found have eased my symptoms the most:
Anxiety/Insomnia/Hot Flashes: First and foremost I try and watch my diet to prevent or at least minimize these symptoms. Triggers like alcohol, spicy foods, and fatty foods are the worst for me, so I try and limit those. I also try to get in a nice stroll outdoors after dinner, which has helped immensely with my insomnia.
Funny as it may sound this fan for around my neck is an absolute BLESSING for hot flashes. And I also LOVE this neck wrap for times when my nerves feel like they are going to jump out of my skin and my joints feel achy.
Bloating/Digestion Issues:Â Again, diet is an important factor here as well. Eating foods rich in fiber is a must for me. But I also take a probiotic daily. There are many choices out there and everyone takes to them differently. I would only recommend that you take one that doesn’t use any fillers, binders, or soy.
Other supplements I take are Vitamin B Complex, D, Vitamin C, and Zinc.
Brain fog, Forgetfulness, Depression, Lack of Focus: Three of these symptoms can lead to the fourth. I found that my sudden memory loss, mid-afternoon fog, and lack of focus made me horribly depressed. I was certain I was at the onset of something far worse like Alzheimer’s. But the truth is these symptoms are NORMAL. Obviously, the most important factor to ease all of these symptoms is a good night’s sleep. But when that isn’t possible. The simple solution? Use your brain. That means read, learn something new, do puzzles, meditate, and just keep your mind active. Another great way is to eat a diet high in Omega 3 fats. Things like nuts, kiwi, spinach, and certain types of fish.
Most importantly, when you forget someone’s name or can’t remember a date, give yourself grace. This too shall pass.
I just recently turned 55 and although I’m still not in the menopause stage(not having my period for at least 12 months), I feel certain it is right around the bend.
And I’m SO ready for it. Like Stand up and cheer, dancing around the room READY for it!
I hope you enjoyed today’s post-Monday Morning Musings.
Perimenopause is not an easy topic to discuss. At least it isn’t for me. It’s VERY personal. And uncomfortable.
But sometimes those ‘uncomfortable’ topics need to be talked about so that we can help each other to better deal with them. I hope we can do that here on Monday Morning Musings.
Like we’re just chatting over a cup of coffee. You and Me.
I’d love to hear about your experience with perimenopause and how you’ve learned to cope. We’d also like to hear your thoughts on our new series Monday Morning Musings. You are welcome to leave a comment or send me an email at
Thank you so much for stopping by!
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Crying right now, Christine! Only you could write a post this funny and this helpful all at the same time. I have NO idea why this topic is so taboo but I’m beyond thankful you’re bringing it up. I’m not quite there yet but I’m definitely getting close so I’m thankful you’re willing to share your experience and what has worked best for you. Cheering you on lady, CoCo
Lol! Thank you, my friend! If the post helps even one person get through this crazy change of life, I’ll be happy. I appreciate your support! It means a TON! Happy rest of your week! Hugs!
You have no idea how helpful this post is!! I turned 43 in January and I seriously felt like I turned 80. I feel like every day since then I’ve been going downhill and just plum insane. I experience 28 of these symptoms!! Just a few months ago my mouth started burning and my Dr could not tell me why. I’m going to make another appointment soon and talk to her about everything I’ve been experiencing lately. Thank you for sharing this! And for making me laugh! 😂
This was great because I’m running on the other side of menopause and the solution for me was diet, vitamins, exercise and time with God in the morning. Completely removed sugar and all the side effects left. SERIOUSLY…..High protein was also the life change that made all the difference and still does today, I actually lost weight and now working on loosing some more… I don’t even miss pasta which is weird because it was always a once a week favorite. The best part…. After a few months of figuring it out I didn’t feel like I was giving up anything… Honey instead of sugar, fruit instead of a candy bar or cookie… Basically it’s just common sense. I honestly believe that menopause is more difficult than childbirth… It does get better and I’m super glad you found ways to make things better… Miss your blog – check to see if I’m on your email list please…
Hugs- Carole
Thanks, Carole! I’m with you on the diet, exercise, vitamins, and time with God, but a wee bit of sugar now and again is probably a downfall but one I’m okay with having. As for the email list, yes you are on it but I haven’t sent out a newsletter in months. I probably won’t either until we get settled in our new house next month.
I’m so glad the post was helpful, Michelle! It’s a tough topic to discuss but I really think more needs to be said. So many of us suffer needlessly and some Dr’s don’t seem to have any solution except prescribing a pill which usually ends up causing more issues than it resolves. Good luck and if you need an ear to vent, I’m always available! P.S. Glad, you got a laugh. We all need those, don’t we?!
Well contracts on the new house -looking forward to hear all about it.