Chalkboard Wall Art

Hello everyone!  I hope your week is going well!  Mine has been CRAZY busy with work, putting finishing touches on some projects and…..oh ya, I celebrated being another year older. Today I want to share yet another one of my obsessions!  Chalkboards!!!  Seriously!  You can’t have too many chalkboards!!!  And this  chalkboard truly was the…

In the Garden

WE HAVE SUNSHINE!!!! Do I sound excited, or what??? Well, I guess you could say I am. After all this rain we’ve been having-it sure is nice to see that golden globe shining bright, and putting a smile on everyone’s face! I spent the morning in my working in my office………. But this afternoon I…


I have been ready to burst ever since Father’s Day weekend, when we we found out some VERY big-VERY SPECIAL- VERY AMAZING- news!!!!!  Unfortunately, I had to hold back from announcing it, until all of the ‘details’ were completed. Well, I have just been informed that I can FINALLY spill the beans!!!!! I……. AM…….GOING……..TO…….BE……A……………. GRANDMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…