Monday Morning Musings!
Hello, friends!
Okay, so this is me being TOTALLY honest.
I’ve never been a Monday person. NOT EVER!
So why am I posting on a Monday morning?
Lately, I’ve been determined to not only embrace the first day of the week but ENJOY it too!
Maybe it’s because of all we’ve gone through during the pandemic. Or maybe it was the HUGE change we just had selling our house. Or, and this is more likely, maybe it’s because I’m celebrating a milestone birthday next week. (More on that in another post.)
So anyhoo… I thought what better way to learn to LOVE Mondays… than rounding up all kinds of motivation?
And since I’m sure I’m not the only one who isn’t a fan of Mondays I thought it would be fun to share it all with you!
There will be some humor and some deep or not-so-deep thoughts. Updates on what we’re up to. And hopefully a little bit of inspiration and yes motivation to start your week off!
“Kindness is free, sprinkle that stuff everywhere!”
Did you know that one small positive thought can change your day? This is mine today. I’m vowing to spread it EVERYWHERE. How? Well, here are a few SUPER simple ways we can all spread a little kindness and joy!
- Smile! I don’t just mean a half-lipped-I don’t really mean it smile. I’m talking a full-on cheesy-don’t hold back genuine SMILE! At everyone. Even if they don’t smile back. Just do it. You’ll feel better! I promise!
- Wave! My husband waves at EVERYONE. When I first met him and saw him do the wave thing, I would ask, “Who was that?” He would shrug and say, “I don’t know.” I always thought that was weird, but now? It’s just normal. The truth is, here in the small community we live in, everyone waves, regardless of whether they know you or not. They also say hi or nod when they see you in the store or walking down the street. If this was “normal” everywhere wouldn’t our world be a better place? Make it so today!
- Give of yourself. Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Laugh at someone’s not so funny joke. Leave a supportive comment on one of the recipe sites you used for last night’s dinner! Whatever you do to make someone else’s day better-one thing is for sure. YOURS will be better too!
I decided to switch up my morning walk by listening to some affirmation recordings. They are really helping to build my confidence and I seriously feel such an amazing inner peace when I’m done. You can find them here. (Sidenote-I had a bit of trouble falling asleep at the apartment so I tried listening to one of Jason’s sleep meditations which is the sound of rain. The simple white noise helped me doze off almost immediately. FYI it’s 3 hours of commercial-free relaxation-ANYTIME!)
One of my goals for embracing Mondays is to start planning a weekly menu again. I used to do this every Sunday night but for one reason or another, I just stopped doing it. Well, last week I started creating a menu again and I cannot tell you how good it feels to be even a little bit organized in the chaos life is right now!
If you’re struggling to find ideas on what to make for dinner, I hope my “What’s Cooking” portion of this post will help you!
- Monday: Panzanella Salad with Grilled Shrimp Kabobs
- Tuesday: Cilantro Lime Taco’s
- Wednesday: Airfyer Salmon with Roasted Green Beans
- Thursday: Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry
- Friday: It’s My Birthday! YIPPEE! We are celebrating with a visit to see our grandson so we’ll be going out to eat!
- Saturday: Mediterranean PizzaÂ
- Sunday: Turkey Burgers and Cheesy Potatoes

Does anyone else get goosebumps when they see an organized refrigerator like this? Or any organized space for that matter?! Oh my goodness, friends! If you could see my refrigerator right now you’d be horrified. Yes, it’s clean. But organized…um NO! My #1 goal this week is to organize our refrigerator. That way it will be SO much easier to move everything next month! If you’re looking for inspiration and motivation to get your refrigerator organized check out this article! This is an older article but still very relevant and I LOVE the organizing hacks they used!
Well, that’s it for today!
I hope you have a fabulous Monday morning and if no one told you yet today… you’re AMAZING! You really are!
You’re going to ROCK this Monday I just know it!
I hope you enjoy our new series Monday Morning Musings and thank you so much for stopping by!
Happy Monday!
What a great post! I love the refrigerator organization links. I’ve been needing to do that but putting it off. But the photos on those sites are oddly satisfying and highly motivating! LOL
Your menu looks amazing!!
Those refrigerator photos…YES! Love them! Thank you so much, Michelle!
This is such a great way to kick off the week, Christine! What a great idea. I love all the inspo you found and how you’re finding ways to embrace the day too. I might have to put myself on a timer this morning because I can’t wait to dive into these links! Thanks so much for putting this all together. I hope your Monday is filled with unexpected blessings and your week is filled with all good things, CoCo
I’m so glad you like the new series, CoCo! My hope is to start back up as soon as we are settled in the new house.