Happy Friday!!!  If you’ve been following for awhile-you might remember when I did a
 makeover for my office

There were a few DIY projects in that makeover-including one where I re-purposed
 the top half of an old bi-fold door.  Well, at the time, I really didn’t have any use for bottom half,
 so they were put in the basement, along with all my other ‘I’ll use it someday’, stash.


Until now.  When I started making over the foyer (months ago-UGH), one of the things
 I absolutely wanted to have, was a coat hanger.  Although we have a coat closet down the
 hall from the foyer-it rarely (if ever) get’s used when family and friends come to visit.  Usually those coats get thrown over the staircase banister for easy access.


Initially, I was going to make a coat hanger out of some reclaimed wood we had in the
 basement-and then I caught sight of those door panels!  Unfortunately, when I held 
one of them up against the wall, it was a bit too long.  Enter hubby-with a few quick 
measurements, and a quick swipe of his circular saw-the door panel was ready for
 me to add a little function and character to it.

Instead of boring you with the LONG, step by step version-I’ll give you the short one.

Basically, I started by taping off the center of the door panel-and giving it two coats
 of chalk paint. Once that was dry-I gave the outer part one coat of American Decor
 (Everlasting).  Once that was dry-I put a light coat of Elmer’s glue over the paint-and
 when the glue  was a bit tacky-I painted another light coat of the Everlasting on.



Then I used my hairdryer to speed up the crackling process.  Once the surface
 was completely  dry-I used sandpaper to get rid of any excess paint-and distress
 the door a bit.  The last step  was screwing in two hooks that I found in the attic
 and two knobs I purchased on the panel.

I’m OVER THE MOON happy with how it turned out, and it goes
 perfectly with  the eclectic  mix of old and new that I wanted for the foyer.

 Of course- I wasn’t too happy with hubby last night-when, just before I was
 going to take
 photo’s-he decided to erase my prayer (which was written so pretty)-
and add his own
 message. That would have been just fine-except the sun was about to go down 
and the
 foyer is dark to begin with!  ERGO-the sloppy script on my chalkboard!!!

On another note-remember I told you about this GORGEOUS barn picture I picked up
 last weekend?  Well, it too has been given a ‘little’ character!!!  I’ll be sharing more
 about how I created the weathered look on the picture frame-as well as the wall
 gallery it takes center stage in…on Monday!!


I’ll be sharing more about how I created the weathered look on the picture frame-
as well as the wall gallery it takes center stage in…on Monday!!

Blessings and hugs,
Category : DIY

2 thoughts on “DIY-Re-Purposing a Door Panel into a Coat Hanger”

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