So many new “faces” at last week’s party! 

If you are new, or almost new, to our party, we would love it if you’d tell us in the comments. I am totally agreeable to you telling me the title of the posts you shared, as well. 
We had well over 500+ posts shared last week. 
Needless to say, I don’t get to visit them all. But if you draw my attention to it in the comments, I am most likely going to go find you. Even give me the numbers to look for, please? 

Last week we had a fabulous turnout.
511 shares and many many views.
So, which ones got YOUR attention most? 

Most Viewed
Very Popular
Editor’s Pick
When I read the title of this post, it grabbed me!

Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop
is on 
Popular Blogs!

 Simple Guidelines:
  • Please follow our host and co-hosts in as many ways possible (social media links below) 
  • PLEASE TWEET THIS PARTY !!!!  We want everyone to know about it!
  • Add as many of your family-friendly posts as you would like, no giveaways please.
  • Visit three or more others. Let them know you’ve been there! 
  • Visit our FEATURES and comment, pin or share — do what you can to bless them!
  • When you are PINNING, please remember to do it from the original post. â™¥
  • If you are new,  let us know in the comments so that we can follow you back. â™¥
  • And, thanks for joining us!

Follow our hosts as you can. 

CD of CD’s Country Living

Jaime of The Stay At Home Mom Survival Guide

Kim of 2JustByou

Libby and Rachel of Two Keck Girls

Tammy of My Life Abundant

Brittany of Mommy On Demand

Nicole and Susan of Flavors By Four

Carrie of A Mother’s Shadow
Sinea of Ducks ‘n a Row  (host)

Diane of Recipes For Our Daily Bread

7 thoughts on “Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop #115!”

  1. Hello, Heaven!!! Thank you so much for linking up TWO awesome posts!! The power of touch is so important in all of our lives!! I'm definitely sharing! Blessings and hugs,CD!

  2. Hello cute lady! I love stopping by your party each week, it’s amazing! I hope you get a chance to stop by our party. That would be fabulous! Lou Lou Girls

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